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Welcome to Cardiff SEO Meet’s New Website!

Posted on13/03/2019

Cardiff SEO Meet homepage screenshot
I launched Cardiff SEO Meet back in March 2016, and in doing so bought the domain – even though I knew that (at least initially) I’d simply treat the Meetup group as the meetup’s website. Meetup has been good, but… iiit’s not perfect, and I didn’t necessarily want to rely on it forever. So until now, 301 redirected to the Meetup group, but now, it… does not. (I thought that would come out more dramatic, but there we go…)

The plan initially is for this website and the Meetup group to run in tandem – so info on upcoming events will appear on both, but Meetup will still be used for RSVPing purposes. But we’ll see how it goes and I might change the RSVP setup in the future to rely less on Meetup going forward.

While this site has info on each event (like Meetup does), it also has:

  • Links to slides, videos and additional resources (if applicable) for all past speakers at all past events
  • Galleries for the events that had photos taken for them (Meets #1, #8, #9 & #10)
  • A page all about site reviews: how they work and how to get involved
  • A page all about sponsorship: our list of current sponsors and how to become one

I would like to say a massive, massive thank you to Peter Carless of Xanthe Studios and Marka for designing and developing the website. He finished it months ago but I was too busy to do my bits straight away (sorry!) and has been very patient and accommodating to my suggestions of tweaks and changes. He’s been a long-term sponsor and supporter of the meetup and has been to almost every single past event, so he was absolutely the ideal person to build it. Thank you Peter!