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Meet #18

18/11/2021 18:00 Tiny Rebel Cardiff


Our first event since January 2020 (before the pandemic)!

This is just a social – so no speakers or site review. It’ll be a chance for a small number of us to catch up in person, and an opportunity to talk about possible plans for 2022’s events and beyond.

‘Opening’ time is 6pm, but there’s no set structure with this one, so don’t feel the need to turn up bang on 6pm. Food will be served at some point though, so if you’ll want a bite to eat then better to come earlier rather than later.

(Note: there’s no Meet #17ย  in the list of events because that was the cancelled March 2020 event.)

Limiting RSVPs

More info on this below (see “COVID RULES”), but due to limiting capacity, we ask that only a maximum of two people per company RSVP to the event please. We want to avoid a situation where a company or agency brings 5-10 of its staff and therefore takes up 20-40% of the capacity alone. We won’t be actively policing this, so we ask that you bear it in mind when RSVPing please.

If you there’s 3-4 of you from the same company/agency and you all really want to attend, feel free to message us (you should be able to via Meetup) and we’ll chat it through.


The event is upstairs in Tiny Rebel Cardiff (in its Upstairs Bar and Cwtch rooms). We’re purposefully limiting numbers (30 instead of the usual maximum of 60), and we’ve been told by the venue that the air-con will be on, which should help to keep the room well-ventilated.

We’re kindly asking that attendees to do their bit as well, to help keep everyone as safe as possible:

  • Please bring a mask. It’s a requirement of the venue to wear a mask while ordering at the bar. It’s also encouraged when in enclosed spaces (e.g. corridors, toilets, etc.).
  • While not mandatory (unless Welsh Gov bring in COVID Pass rules for bars ahead of the event), please take a lateral flow test on the day of the event, and only come if it comes back negative. You won’t be asked to show proof, but it is heavily encouraged that you do this before coming.
  • Hand sanitizers and anti-bacterial wipes will be made available (we’ll bring some even if the venue has some).

If you start to show any symptoms – or if anyone in your household does – then please do not come to the event.

If you are unable to come to the event (e.g. change of plans, you develop symptoms, etc.) then please remember to unRSVP, freeing up your space for someone else to come instead. If we go over 30 RSVPs then there’ll be a waiting list, who will have a chance to come if people unRSVP.

Free Food

Free food will be provided in the form of a buffet. A big thank you to the sponsors for contributing towards the cost of it:

If you have a dietary requirement, please let us know ASAP (you should be able to message us via Meetup) and we’ll ask the venue if they can accommodate it. Please understand that the sooner you let us know, the more chance we’ll be able to do something about it – if the venue don’t get enough notice beforehand then they may not be able to accommodate your request.


RSVP here!
